
Worthy, the Wild Mustang from Oklahoma

Ms. Lucia adopted a wild mustang from Oklahoma on 8/15/15. She named her Worthy because she was “worth it all!” You can follow her story from that day to the present by going to the Stonelea Farm FB page and “like” it. Students at the barn are in awe of the sweet “normal” horse she has become. They are able to see her progress in person as they come for lessons!

Ghost - End of life question--2/5/16

At the beginning of October 2015 my vet said that Ghost’s cancer is spreading and I should be prepared to put him down at the end of the month. I have been watching him closely ever since for signs that he is ready to go home. This morning this is what he was doing. Watch and enjoy the video. All of our animals tell us when they are ready! He is definitely not yet!